It is my sad duty to inform you of the tragic death of Jim "The Godfather" VK2GJM at 74 years of age,on 22 September 2011 at 8pm.
I loved Jimmy like my Dad and enjoyed the past 20 years with him and all the great times I had with him. Jim and I had a dream for years of starting a Hellenic Amateur Radio club and he was so very proud of the fact I was so passionate about my heritage and wanted to do it.
We formed HARAOA some years ago and invited friends to join us and he was so happy coming to all club meetings and club BBQ and contesting. Jim was part of the 15 operators who went to Montague Island as VK2CL this year as you can view in the YouTube video.
Tommy Horozakis - VK2IR / SV0XBF
HARAOA President